The mind of the Pastor

What a great day, yesterday!  We had a good crowd for worship, and it seemed most everyone stayed for lunch.  We had good food, really good ice cream and sweet fellowship.  Thanks to all who brought side dishes, desserts and, of course, the ice cream.

While we waited for the food to be ready, the kids sang a couple of songs from VBS.  Thanks to Victoria for the PowerPoint of VBS we used in the morning worship service.  Thanks to all who help take down the VBS decorations after lunch.  It made for a full day.

Tomorrow is Independence Day.  A day for remembering and giving thanks for the freedoms we enjoy, and the blessings God has showered upon our nation.  It is good and right to take pride in our country.  By all means, celebrate tomorrow.  Wave the flag, enjoy family, feast and give thanks.  But remember, we best serve our nation as we best serve our God.  As we seek to honor God above all things, and seek to live the life He has called us to live, our nation will be blest.  As the people of God, we ought to be the best citizens.  As we call ourselves, our neighbors and our leaders to biblical standards we serve the cause of true liberty and justice.  As we live the faith we proclaim, we serve our neighbor, we care for the poor, we establish the beautiful and the just.  It is not a matter of choosing to love God or country but loving God and country.  We love our country when we rejoice when we see justice and mercy reign and we weep and mourn in the face of corruption and wickedness wherever it is found.  As we look back over our history we find much to be thankful for.  We find ample reason to take pride in our history.  We also find reason to mourn.  We see failure.  Failure to live up to biblical standards and failure to live up to our own principles and ideals.  America is great but imperfect.  Good, but also flawed.  While you celebrate tomorrow say a prayer.  A prayer that America we strive to live up to her own stated standards of justice, equality for all.  A prayer that America will conform to biblical standards of morality and ethics.  That our nation will fulfill its God-given assignment to reward the good and punish evil.  I’m not asking you to pray to make America great again, I’m asking that you pray that we be the country God intends us to be.  I’m asking that you pray God’s will be done.

Have a great week and I’ll see you this coming Lord’s Day!
