On My Mind

We live in a world of unrest.  By unrest, I mean internationally, nationally and personally.  Whether news from the war in Ukraine, the volitivity of the Middle East or the threat of a economic crisis, our world in unstable.  Porous borders, political infighting, civil unrest is a daily reminder that our nation is unstable.  Tensions in our homes, stress from our jobs and our daily struggle with sin remind us we are unstable!

Together, it is enough to cause you to wonder aloud, “What is this world coming to?”  Of course, we know.  Those of us who understand the Scripture and the truth of God know where this world is heading, and we are pretty excited about it!  Now, I’m not ready to dawn a white robe and go sit on a mountain, there is too much work to be done, but I’m thrilled with how this all ends.

Preaching Christ, calling men and women to repentance and faith; calling for justice and righteousness to prevail are all vital, worthwhile activities in the meantime.  I know there are those whose millennial views are such that any attempt to reform or renew society is simply “polishing brass on the Titanic” but I don’t accept that view.  I’m convinced that good things are happening and great things are yet to come.  God has a people and by His grace He continues to add to His people daily.  I hold out the possibility for peace in the hopes that the King of Peace, the Lord Jesus, might once again bring a sweeping revival to our world.  I do not believe any real, lasting peace will ever come through diplomacy, treaty or military might.  Real, lasting peace comes from a change of heart and that change is the result of the working of the Spirit of God.

Paul tells us that in Christ there is neither slave nor freeman, male nor female, Jew nor Gentile.  He goes on to say, “For he himself (that is Jesus) is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down, in his flesh, the dividing wall of hostility…that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two.”  In writing to the Galatians Paul spoke of our unity in Christ despite our diverse backgrounds when he wrote, “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.”  By the way, this concept is firmly rooted in the Old Testament.  The concept of God making one people out of many is not exclusively a New Testament concept.

The next time unrest is weighing heavy on your heart, I suggest you turn to Psalm 87 and read about our God’s bringing unity from diversity and harmony from discord.  There the psalmist anticipates the day when the nations will be brought together in the worship, celebration and fellowship of God in the heavenly Zion.  When you finish reading and thinking about that, pull out your hymnal and sing John Newton’s commentary on Psalm 87, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken.
I’ll see you Sunday.  Have a great week!
