Just Thinking

It was great being at church on Sunday!  I appreciate so much the prayers, cards and words of encouragement over the last week.  I’m feeling good.  Plumbing is working, pain is gone, just a bit of soreness that will likely linger awhile longer.  I will follow up with the surgeon on Wednesday.  I appreciate Devin’s filling in for me the last two Sundays, he did an outstanding job.  It was good to see everyone and I look forward to things getting back to normal soon.  I will be working partial days this week and hope to be back to full speed next week.  I will be back leading Bible Study this Wednesday evening and preaching both services on Sunday.  Sunday morning, we will be back in the parables and Sunday evening we will finish up our study of Baptist Distinctives.  This week we will be considering baptism and the Lord’s Supper, followed by a discussion of the whole series.  I hope you will join us.

I would ask that you be in prayer as our budget and finance team begins working on our 2024 budget.  Their meetings will begin in the next week or so and we will be voting early January.  We’ve had a solid year financially and we are grateful for the Lord’s blessing and for your faithfulness.  As always, we want to be faithful stewards of what the Lord entrusts to us, so pray for our team as we put together a solid plan for the coming year.

Thanksgiving is upon us.  Of course, I missed our Thanksgiving Feast on the first Sunday.  I’m not bitter but it still stings a bit.  Each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving we receive and offering that is split between Meals on Wheels and John 3:16 Mission.  Two organizations who do excellent work in our community.  You can give to help both organizations at this critical time of year.  Just make sure to mark your envelop “Thanksgiving Offering” and place it in one of the two offering boxes this Sunday.  Thank you for your generosity.

One last thing.  We have some news to share with you after the morning service this coming Sunday, November 19.  At the end of the service we will dismiss our visitors and have a brief family meeting to close the service.

I’ll see you Sunday.  Have a blessed week!
