Just Thinking

Have you ever been so discouraged you just wanted to give up?  Ever been so depressed that you just felt like you wanted to die?  Has life ever dumped on you?  Have you ever had your worst nightmare become your reality?  When that happens life becomes overwhelming even for those who are the children of God.  Depression and despair have often hounded the saints through the ages.  We don’t talk about it, because we don’t want someone to think we don’t have the victory.  After all, Jesus said that he came that we might have life and have that life in abundance.  I can’t admit that I’m lacking in the abundant life department.  What would people think?

So, we suffer in silence.  Moving ever deeper in our despair, constantly questioning and examining our lives for what we’ve done wrong to bring this on ourselves.  But have you ever stopped to consider the possibility that you are not alone?  Have you ever considered that maybe, what you’re experiencing is “normal?”  

Charles Spurgeon, pastor of the great Metropolitan Tabernacle in London during the 19th century suffered from frequent bouts of depression.  Martin Luther the great Reformer was said to have been on the verge of insanity on numerous occasions.  Life can be overwhelming.  Life is often more than any of us can handle but there is hope for the weary.  There is light at the end of the tunnel and no; it’s not a train!

What do you do when life is overwhelming?  How do you handle the fear, the frustration and the heartache?  I would encourage you to turn to the Psalms.  For example, consider Psalm 13.  David was a “man after God’s own heart.”  He was a mighty man of God, a warrior, a king, a poet and yet he struggled with depression.  In the opening verses of the Psalm, David is wallowing in the depths of despair (13:1-2).  Can you relate?  But note the change in verses 5 and 6, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.  I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.”  What happened?  How did David go from wallowing in despair to praise?  Look at verses 3 and 4.  He poured out his heart before God in prayer.  Have you considered the very fact that you feel abandoned by God, is evidence that you know that he is there?

The promise of our God is that he will never leave us or forsake us.  He’s big enough to handle your frustration and your anger, your hurt and your confusion.  Go to him.  Pour your heart out to him.  Find peace in him.  I’m telling you this because I know this time of year is difficult for many.  The holidays can be times of tremendous loneliness and heartache, especially if you’ve recently suffered loss.  Don’t suffer in silence and don’t go it alone.  Lean on him and lean on your church family.  Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your struggle.  You are not alone.

I hope to see you Sunday.
