On My Mind...

It’s on my mind…

This coming Sunday evening, April 28, we have the opportunity to recognize and express our appreciation for Bobby and Teresa Smith.  Bobby has served us well for the last 12 years as our worship leader.  Of course, he grew up here at Trinity and before stepping into his current role had come back as a member after having served in several churches in the area.  Bobby and I have been friends since junior high.  It has been my joy to serve with him over this time.  I appreciate the heart with which he served.  I’m grateful for the time, energy, and effort he put into service planning and working with the choir.  I’m most thankful that we shared the same heart for ministry.  I’m grateful that, for Bobby, music was a means of ministry to the body of Christ.  Bobby’s aim was to serve Christ and His church, and he has done just that.

Teresa has been faithful to serve our church as well.  For years now she has served as our church clerk.  She has taught in Vacation Bible School, served on various committees, helped out in the office as needed, continues as a check signer all while faithfully serving along side Bobby (someone has to keep him in line).  Sunday gives us a chance to express our appreciation for their service.  A love offering is being received as a tangible expression of our gratitude.  Many have already given but there is still time to participate.  You can bring it by the office anytime this week or you can bring it Sunday.  We will be receiving your gifts through the morning worship.  We ask that you give by then so that we can have the check ready for Sunday evening.  Make sure your envelop is marked, “Love Offering” so that it gets accounted properly.  If you use a check, make the check payable to the church, as we will give them one check for the total.  Of course you can give cash, but again, make sure your envelop is marked.

There will also be a basket available Sunday evening for cards.  I would encourage you to express your appreciation to them in a personal way.  I pray you will join us Sunday evening at 6:00 pm as we gather in the fellowship hall.  There will be sandwiches, cake and punch as we remember and give thanks.  Join us for this time of fellowship.  It is good and right that we give thanks for those who serve us faithfully.  Thank you Bobby and Teresa we love and appreciate you!  By the way this is not goodbye as they plan to go right on as members of our fellowship.  Bobby is merely stepping away from his role as worship leader.

Have a blessed week and I will see you Sunday.
